Aug 20, 2021PCR Back To School Event 2021 / PCR 返校日 2021感谢各位朋友参与7月21号PCR举办的返校日活动新朋友老朋友欢聚一堂欣赏着不同精彩的表演节目,充满1欢乐的一天感谢所有参与的朋友和义工们Thank you all for participating in the Back to School Day event held by PCR on July 21New friends and old friends gather togetherEnjoying different wonderful performances, a day full of joyThanks to all the friends and volunteers who participated
感谢各位朋友参与7月21号PCR举办的返校日活动新朋友老朋友欢聚一堂欣赏着不同精彩的表演节目,充满1欢乐的一天感谢所有参与的朋友和义工们Thank you all for participating in the Back to School Day event held by PCR on July 21New friends and old friends gather togetherEnjoying different wonderful performances, a day full of joyThanks to all the friends and volunteers who participated