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Exploration of New York

Exploration of New York is a program of in-depth knowledge and exposure to New York organized by PCR. The program aims to acclimate immigrant families (parents, teens, and children) to their new environment and encourage them to integrate into their new community. The Exploration of New York program offers tours of many of New York's historic sites and infrastructure, offering valuable insights to immigrant families about various linguistic and cultural backgrounds. These tours are led by PCR staff and multilingual volunteers.

探索纽约是由纽约亲子互助会组织开展的深入了解和接触纽约的计划。该计划的目的是让移民家庭(父母,青少年和儿童)适应新环境和鼓励他们融入新社区。我们的计划以人为本,专注于社区服务。Exploration of New York 计划为纽约的许多历史遗址和基础设施提供参观,为移民家庭提供各种语言和文化背景解答。这些旅行由PCR的工作人员和讲多种语言的义工成员领导。

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