注意防护!/ Pay Attention To Protection!Sep 4, 2021疫情的危机依旧存在于我们的生活里希望各位居民注意防护措施需要接种疫苗的尽快接种疫苗外出时请带好口罩保护自己也保护他人The crisis of the epidemic still exists in our livesI hope all residents pay attention to protective measuresVaccination as soon as possible if you need to be vaccinatedPlease wear a mask when going outProtect yourself and protect others
疫情的危机依旧存在于我们的生活里希望各位居民注意防护措施需要接种疫苗的尽快接种疫苗外出时请带好口罩保护自己也保护他人The crisis of the epidemic still exists in our livesI hope all residents pay attention to protective measuresVaccination as soon as possible if you need to be vaccinatedPlease wear a mask when going outProtect yourself and protect others