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PCR 家长读书会 / PCR Parents Reading Club

家长们来参加吧! 这本书的英文名字叫作Mindset,Mindset就是思维模式的意思。


她把所有的我们成功与否、我们的行为习惯、我们与他人的关系、我们的家庭、我们的事业如何最重要的要素都归结为,我们的两种思维模式。一种叫作固定型思维,一种叫作成长型思维,非常具有说服力。 接下来,让我们来了解什么是固定型思维、什么是成长型思维? Parents, come and join!

The English name of this book is Mindset, which means Mindset.

The author is a professor of psychology at Columbia University.

She attributed all the most important elements of our success, our behavior habits, our relationship with others, our family, and our career to our two modes of thinking. One is called fixed thinking, and the other is called growth thinking, which is very convincing.

Next, let us understand what is fixed thinking and what is growth thinking? Time / 时间 : Friday / 星期五

7 AM to 8 AM

Date / 日期 : 7/23/2021 - 8/20/2021



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